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Excursion of students to the A.Kasteev State Museum

On November 29, 2022, first-year students of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU visited the A. Kasteev State Museum. The participants of the tour got acquainted with the art of Kazakhstan, the countries of the Middle East, Japan, China, Western Europe.

The museum`s exposition included the best examples of traditional art, which allowed students to get an idea of the development of the culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia as a whole from ancient times to the present day. The guide paid special attention to the recently opened exhibition «Remembering Socialist Realism. Kazakhstan. Easel painting of the 1940s-1950s», as well as a personal exhibition of Kazakh artist Sadibekova Saltanat. Three hours of an interesting event flew by unnoticed. The students noted the wonderful atmosphere in the exhibition halls and the amazing work of the guide. The main purpose of visiting the museum was to learn the art history of Kazakh nation. We are sure that the cultural life of our students will have its continuation.



