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Competition «Expressive reading of words of edification and poems of Abai in Kazakh and Chinese»

On December 1, 2022, Department of Oriental Languages Translation of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Confucius Institute at Abylai Khan KazUIR and WL organized an event dedicated to the works of the great Kazakh poet, educator Abai Kunanbaiuly among students of Almaty studying at the Chinese language department. All students who wished to take part were invited to participate in the competition «Expressive reading of the words of edification and poems of Abai in the Kazakh and Chinese languages».

The purpose of the competition was to deepen Abai`s creativity in the hearts of the younger generation and promote Abai`s heritage, his parables, and philosophical reflections.


Under the guidance of Almabekova Asel, the senior teacher of the Department, a 2nd year student of the specialty «Foreign language: two foreign languages» Danagul, who took III place and was awarded with a Diploma.

