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Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports hosted an international round table


On December 22-23, 2022 Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports hosted an international round table on «Innovative trends in the training of creative specialties. The event was opened by the vice-rector for research activities of Abai KazNPU Yermek Buribayev and director of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports Taiyrzhan Iskakov. The meeting was attended by professors from universities in Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iran and Kazakhstan. Professor Omer Khalismir and Ph.D. Hikmet Korash from Nigde University spoke on «Innovative Practices in Education», while Associate Professor Zulkhumor from the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi Umarov conducted research on «Innovative Technologies in Physical Education Classes in Uzbekistan». A teacher from the same university, Askarova Sahibahon, made a presentation on «Innovative technologies in teaching choir and choral studies». Teachers from the Institute also made presentations. Many issues were discussed at the round table.







