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Main normative documents in the field of higher and postgraduate education and Academic policy of the university


From 13 to 15 January 2023 at Abai KazNPU a seminar for deputy directors of institutes for academic work and heads of departments was held in order to share experiences.


The aim of the seminar was to contribute to the optimal development of the staff of the structural units for the effective implementation of the academic policy of the university.


During the event Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Gulzhan Djarasova familiarized participants with the main regulatory documents and the concept of LLL, which guide the higher and postgraduate education.


Khairulla Zhanbekov, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, focused on the issues of planning the workload of teaching staff and students, selection of educational paths, organization and passing of internships, organization of educational process with the use of MOOCs.


Adilya Baidildina, Director of Educational Program Design Department, explained the features of implementation of academic committees of institutes and requirements for improving the quality of educational programs and curricula.


During the seminar, the staff of the structural units of the university asked questions and shared their views on the improvement of work in the given areas.





