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  Негізгі бет / Хабарландыру

To the attention of the graduates entering the magistracy!


The acceptance of applications from arriving in a magistracy in 2020 to participate in the complex testing, confirmed by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of RK from October 31, 2018 № 600, is carried out through a site of the National center of testing of MES of RK from June 15 to July 15, 2020.


Creative exams for entrants to the master`s degree are held from 20 to 28 July 2020.


For admission to the magistracy in 2020, participants in the comprehensive testing apply (independently) without applying to the admissions committee.


Coming for submission of the statement:

1) is registered on the website in the modular database of citizens;

2) it is necessary to create the digital passport Digital ID on a site .

3) it is necessary to register at and fill in the necessary information in a comprehensive test.


In this case, the applicant should choose a group of master`s degree programs in accordance with the specialty of higher education.


Payment for the comprehensive testing is made online through the program complex.


If you have any additional questions, please contact us by phone:  8(7172) 69-50-97 , 69-52-74, 69-52-73.