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Start of certified training on dual system of education in Kazakhstan


From 12 to 22 May 2023 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University organized advanced training courses within the KAZDUAL project - 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPPKA2-CBHE-SP "Implementing dual system in Kazakhstan ", of ERASMUS + program for teaching staff of higher and postgraduate education, Colleges, tutors of partner schools, partner organizations implementing educational programs of dual education on the following topics: "Dual education in professional training of teachers", "Design and development of dual programs", "Interaction with stakeholders", "Innovative educational technologies".


On May 12, 2023 the certified training on the dual system of education in Kazakhstan started. Gulzhan Dzharasova, vice-rector for academic affairs of Abai University, opened the event and made a welcoming speech, introduced to participants of the training the speakers, team of KazDual project, Yermek Buribayev, vice-rector for research activities, told about the experience of participation in the project and introduced the program of the course, Bayan Sapargaliyeva, national and institutional coordinator of the project, postdoctoral researcher presented overall of KazDual project implementation.


The professional development course consists of 6 modules, within 10 days 125 students, staff and teachers of Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai, Narxoz University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the project partners - School of New Generation-NGS, representatives of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemical and Biological direction of Almaty, school-lyceum № 15 will be held in a hybrid format: offline and online. On the first day of the event Module -1 "Regulatory and legal basis of dual education" was presented, Bayan Sapargalieva presented "Best practices of dual education", "General review of dual education in Kazakhstan", the director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Galiya Abaeva made the review of regulatory and legal basis of dual education in Kazakhstan. The paticipants were introduced to KazDual Observatory, which can be used in interactive part of the training.


At the end of the training, participants who completed the full course and assignments will be given certificates of international standard in the amount of 72 hours.









