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Presentation of the Multimedia Studio at Abai University

The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai University has opened a Multimedia Studio. It is designed for holding various types of events related to pedagogy and psychology. It is equipped with high quality equipment which will enable the holding of conferences, seminars, forums and other events in a new format.

The multimedia studio has been equipped with new computers, an interactive whiteboard, a projector and other technical equipment, which will help lecturers to conduct lessons and seminars using modern methods and tools.

The multimedia studio is a new stage in the development of the university`s research work. It will facilitate the implementation of innovative projects in pedagogy and psychology in order to increase students`involvement in the learning process and ensure a high level of scientific and practical activity at the university.

Interactive video recording studio "EdSmart Premium Led Doska" is a hardware-software complex designed for video and audio recording, processing of the resulting material into the final video for informative video presentations, online lectures and web conferences. It can be used to record interactive video tutorials and video-lectures, hold video-lessons and conferences and much more, taking advantage of the unique interaction with the interactive presentation. It is a very valuable tool for teachers to interact with their students digitally.


The interactive video studio allows the creation of professional-grade video content thanks to an innovative led board and software without an editor. The video studio will provide a digital laboratory for teachers to prepare video tutorials, refresher courses, presentation programmes, etc., so that they can conduct their classes at a high technological level.


Professional lighting, audio and video equipment is mobile and can be used to record ultra-high-definition content not only in the studio, but also during distance lessons, thus modernising the teaching process.

Opening a multimedia studio has many advantages:
- Improved quality of instruction: thanks to the modern equipment, teachers will be able to conduct lessons more efficiently using various visualization techniques and audiovisual materials;
- Convenience and comfort: the new equipment installed in the studio will make it possible to hold events in a more comfortable format. And the audiences will see and hear everything in high quality;
- Experience exchange: The multimedia studio will be used not only for training purposes, but also for meetings, forums and other events. This promotes the exchange of experience and information between scientists from different universities and scientific schools;

- Attracting more students: The university`s state-of-the-art facilities will attract students and parents to choose the university for their education in the field of pedagogy







