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           On 9 June, 2017 Abai  KazNPU delegation visit  to the Pomeranian Academy of Slupsk ended. Vice-rector for academic work of our university Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Corresponding Member of NAS RK Aktolkyn T. Kulsariyeva signed cooperation agreement  with the Polish university. In the near future, will be signed jointly prepared agreement of the  double diploma education for bachelor and undergraduate students.

         Our Polish colleagues welcomed our delegation very warmly and hospitably. Kazakhstan guests visited one of the new Institutes of the Pomeranian Academy, the library,  concert of students,  graduates holiday, a cultural center of the fund  "Russian World".

         Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Saule Dzh. Abisheva met with our students, who are completing semester training at the Institute of Neophilology - Nazli Kadyrova and Aigerim Serikbay. The constant guide and assistant of our delegation was Maxim Ponomarenko - a graduate of the magistracy of Abai KazNPU, and now - doctoral student of the Pomeranian Academy.