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A solemn evening «Admission to the student ranks» was held


A generation that only yesterday studied at the school, traveled through the world of big dreams and had a good idea to enter a university, today it is becoming a student. And for young people, Student Life is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments. And the procedure for admission to the student ranks is a holiday that brings joy to every 1st year student. In this regard, on October 21, a solemn evening «Аdmission to the student ranks» was held for 1st year students of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


Opening the curtain of the solemn evening, the chairman of the Board-Rector of the University Tlep Bolat Anapiyevich said: «Students who have entered a new educational institution, this is your first step. You are going to receive a student card in a solemn atmosphere. A great path of knowledge awaits you. I congratulate you on these holidays and wish you success in your studies! May your steps be firm! May your achievements be high on the path of education and science!» - Khairulmazhitov Madiyar, winner of Republican competitions, 1st year student of the Institute of philology, presented the traditionally awarded Student Card to.


The purpose of the event, organized by the Department of Education, Social Work and youth policy, is to support the future initiatives of students entering the University, expand the horizons of students, develop creative abilities, and contribute to the spiritual development.


The event was attended by the rector of the university, members of the management board of the University, directors and deputy directors of the Institute and students. The vocal instrumental ensemble «А-bluse» was one of the first to perform at the reception.


And in the evening, bright stars of the kazakh stage Nurmukhamed Zhakyp, AyaFunk, Dosekesh and Markhaba Sabi brought joy to students with their unique works, and the guys from Bayguys were very pleased with their creative show and made a great impression. It is true that we can clearly see this in the bright voices and smiling smiles of the young people of Abai KazNPU gathered in the square.


At the same time, the stars of art gave a special interview to the Instagram page of our university @kaznpulive, where they expressed their warm wishes to the young wave. The event ended with a dance evening.


In this regard, we express our gratitude to the Public Relations Department of Abai KazNPU, representatives of the Almaty TV channel and other media for the information support of the festive event!













