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Award Day: Adoration of the Teacher


On 30 October 2023, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Abai University, an award ceremony was held for a number of teachers and professors of the Department of Political Science and Social and Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law. E.A.Buribayev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, made a speech at the event. He congratulated the whole staff on this event and wished success in their work.


In particular, Associate Professor J.K.Madalieva and Master B.Z.Imanmoldayeva were awarded the diploma "Honour" for dedicated work and significant contribution to the development of education and science of Kazakhstan. Medal "95 years of Abai KazNPU" were awarded Doctor of Philosophy, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of RK Absattarov R.B., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kabaeva Z.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kusainov D.O., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor A.N.Buhaev, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor F.M.Sultanova, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor G.D.Rakhimova, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor S.A.Omarov, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor K.T.Kashakpaeva, PhD, senior lecturer A.Sabitkyzy. The staff of the department - PhD, teacher A.Sailaubekkyzy, PhD, teacher J.J.Kuanyshbaeva, Master, teacher S.S.Dzhankadyrov, Master, teachers O.O.Karibayev and A.M.Khairuldaeva - were awarded the medal "Abai". We congratulate all teachers on the anniversary of our university and deserved awards!







