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Forum of teachers and young specialists in the field of education

On November 18, 2023, 4th year students of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU took part in the forum "The Best Leader of Youth Policy" held in Astana. During the event, the best participants of the Olympiad among young specialists in the field of education and future teachers were awarded. The competition was held from 10 October to 11 November 2023, students of specialities "History-Legal Studies", "History" and the department of "World History" took part in it.

Thus, D. Ryspekova, M. Zhakymetova, Sh. Pishpekova, N. Nurmukhanbet, N. Akhmet, B. Ermen B, Sh. Saginova, O. Bekmyrza, A. Akbaeva, A. Mukash and E. Ozatbek were recognised as the best students. They were awarded with the badge of the National Innovation Research Centre "BILIM-ORKENIETI". The event was organised under the guidance of Ruslan Seitkaziev, teacher of the Department of General History.



