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"Ecology and we" Ecological hour

On November 23, 2023 in the framework of pedagogical practice at the gymnasium No. 168 named after K.Katykbaeva, Almaty, according to the ecological directions of the Meirim club, a volunteer student of the 4th year of the educational program "Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge" of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology Kiyakbai Nazim, under the guidance of Ph.D., associate Professor Shirinbaeva Gulbakhira, conducted an open extracurricular environmental hour with 5th grade students on the topic "Ecology and we".


The purpose of the event is the formation of environmental responsibility of students through gaining knowledge about the limited amount of drinking water available on Earth and understanding the importance of waste management.


The relevance of the topic is revealed in the theoretical and practical part of the lesson based on the Environmental Clubs curriculum: 1) water resources; 2) waste recycling; 3) Eco-trail.


The theoretical part included the study of methods of water resources protection and waste management. The practical part of the ecological hour was organized in a specially created green circle "Question-answer". The experience of water resources control and waste recycling is demonstrated. Creative tasks with handouts, interactive card games "Garbage recycling", "Who is faster" were held.


Conducting group and creative work allowed students to draw objective conclusions, to consider the environmental aspects of nonviolence over the planet as a whole.


In order to receive feedback on the "Eco-Trace" testing method, comprehensive conclusions and a comparative analysis of the state of climate change and the level of pollution of the planet`s ecology were made.


At the end, based on the key issues identified during the environmental hour, recommendations were made on the need to activate volunteer activities of students within the framework of the idea of creating an Environmental Club at the school.







