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Completion of Industrial Training of Students of the Dual Group


Within the framework of the KAZDUAL international project", Erasmus+ No.618835-EPP-1-2020-1- KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP-KAZDUAL second-year students of the dual group in the direction of "Primary Education with ICT" of the Abai KazNPU are studying for the second year under the pilot dual program.


On November 25, 2023, the NGS school was visited by the head of the practice of this course, Professor of the Department of Primary Education Assel Akpaeva and head of the Department of Primary Education of the Termez Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan), PhD doctor Lobar Mukhtarova in order to exchange experience and study the experience of implementing the dual education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Rufina Hisamutdinova, Director of the Academic Performance Department at the NGS primary School, and the mentor of the group, the primary school teacher Raushan Bekmuratova, introduced the foreign teacher to the experience of working with intern students. Lobar Mukhtarova noted that students successfully interact with teachers and school administration, applying their knowledge in practice. This experience will have a positive impact on their professional development.


The program of industrial training developed by professors of the department Assel Akpayeva and Larisa Lebedeva, head of the Department of Primary Education Professor Asia Zhumabayeva and Raushan Bekmuratova - mentor from the partner school NGS includes various stages aimed at the formation of competencies of future primary school teachers. Students were tested for professional motivation. At a meeting with the administration of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, members of the project, and representatives of the Department of Primary Education, students received a detailed idea of the program of industrial training and integration into this program of practice "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personality of a younger student".


Students have been attending school two days a week since September. They got acquainted with the aspects of the organization of the educational process, internal regulations, and safety instructions during the first year. This year, having received permission for research within the framework of the program, students began to diagnose memory, study mathematical thinking, and analyze the development of speech in younger schoolchildren. An important moment was the participation of students in the 4th international student competition of local history problems for younger schoolchildren, which allowed them to apply their knowledge in practice.


Akpaeva Assel, Group Advisor: "We have planned mandatory events and studies of the personality of students closely related to the passage of students of professional disciplines of the educational program. We are proud of the success of our students and are grateful for the active participation in the production training of teachers-mentors of the NGS school. This experience will be an important foundation for their future careers in education".


The mentor of the students of the dual group, Bekmuratova Raushan: "The students demonstrated a high level of training and professionalism. Their participation in the diagnosis and development of recommendations for further training is an important step in their professional development and a good help in developing the research skills of teachers".


Bayan Sаpargalieva, international coordinator of the KAZDUAL project: "The KAZDUAL project is proud to observe the successful completion of industrial training of students. They are not only trained, but also demonstrate the positive contribution of the KAZDUAL Project to the development of dual education in the country".



