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Uaidullakyzy Elmira
Uaidullakyzy Elmira
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY I was born on February 24, 1988 in Telikol village of Shieli district of Kyzylorda region. I studied at the Kazakh national pedagogical University named Abay in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (2005-2009 bachelor`s degree), (2009-2011 master`s degree), (2011-2014 doctorate).In 2020, I completed post-doctoral studies in Psychology and counseling at the University of Ankara, Turkey.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) 1. Workshop on specialization 1: ICT (information and communication technologies), English, music 2. Theory and methodology of teaching primary school subjects in the context of multilingualism 3. Methods of teaching the subject" knowledge of the world " updated content (regardless of the subject))
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Scientific topic: Formation of information and professional competence of primary school teachers Publications: 1.Tashkenbayevna, N., Kenesbaev, S. M., Zhailauova, M. K., Nurzhanova, S. A., & Stambekova, A. S.Possibilities of the Subject Information and Communication Technologies in Accustoming Primary School Students to Research Activities. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), (2018), 12(6), 35-46. 2.Agranovich, Y., Amirova, A., Ageyeva, L., Lebedeva, L., Aldibekova, S., The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student`s Academic Activity on the Basis of Time Management Technology. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(22), 95-110. (2019) 3.Zhumabayeva, Z., Uaisova, G., Zhumabayeva, A., Karimova, R., Hamza, G. Issues of Kazakh language teaching in elementary classes in terms of the meta-subject approach. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(1), 158-170. (2019). 4.Bagila, S., Kok, A., Zhumabaeva, A., Suleimenova, Z., Riskulbekova, A., &. Teaching Primary School Pupils Through Audio-Visual Means. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(22), 122-140. (2019). 5.Implementing Polylingual Space into the Process of Training Future Primary School Teachers. Tejuelo 31, 307-324. Doi: https://doi.org/10.17398/1988-8430.31.307(2020). E. Zhumabayeva A. A. Kdyrbaeva . S. A. Nurzhanova . S. Stambekova.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Grushina M. N. Notebook for pre-school class (group) "fundamentals of ecology". Atamura publishing house, 2018
REWARDS 1.Letter of commendation from the Dean of the faculty of education, Ankara University, Turkey, doctor, Professor Fatma Bykmaz. 2018 2. Diploma of the III degree at the international poetry competition of the poet Nazira Berdali. 2019
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