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International Forum «Education Strategies: Training of the Future»


On 30 September 2023, Abai University hosted the International Pedagogical Forum «Education Strategies: Training of the Future» dedicated to the memory of Academician S.J.Praliev (1952-2022), a famous scientist and teacher who headed Abai KazNPU from 2008 to 2017.


The forum was attended by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tlep, Vice-Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Darhan Ahmed-Zaki, Head of the Department of Culture of Almaty Gani Maylybayev, state and public figures of the country, prominent representatives of Kazakh intelligentsia, domestic and foreign scientists, journalists from a number of media outlets.


The event began with the opening of the exhibition of scientific works of S.J.Praliev and works about him, then the grand opening of the conference hall named after Academician S.J.Praliev was held thanks to the sponsorship of his family.


The forum was opened by Bolat Tlep, he emphasised the importance of the event, the contribution of the scientist and teacher, who devoted his life to improving the education system and training of highly qualified personnel, as well as the development of Kazakhstani science in general.


Vice-Minister Darhan Ahmed-Zaki read out the congratulatory letter of the Government of the country and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Noting the significance of the forum, he said that such events serve to preserve the history and best traditions of Kazakhstan, the continuity of its generations.


During the forum, a video film «Academician S.J.Praliev: life path and scientific achievements» was presented, books about the teacher and scientist dedicated to his life and work were presented. The event concluded with the awarding of the winners of the contest «Best Scientific Publication».


The forum brought together experts and professionals from different countries to discuss strategies for the development of education and training for the future. The forum included a panel discussion «Request for Research Support and Conceptualisation of Teacher Education in Kazakhstan», a round table «School-University Dialogue: Updating Methods of Teaching Natural Geography Disciplines», research group sessions where experts discussed key topics in education and science, as well as master classes of the best teachers where innovative methods and forms of teaching were discussed.























