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Rector of Abai University met with young scholars



Chairman of the Board - Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tlep met with young scientists on December 13, 2023. The event was attended by Yermek Buribayev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Ulzharkyn Abdigapbarova, Director of the Department of Science, as well as members of the Council of Young Researchers.


Bolat Tlep noted the importance of the meeting in the context of the university`s endeavour to acquire the status of a research university and develop its potential to take a leading position in the field of scientific research. He emphasised that achieving the status of a research university requires systematic work aimed at improving the potential of scientific work, supporting young scientists, integrating research results into secondary education and strengthening the interaction between universities and schools.


The rector emphasised the importance of systemic support for young scientists aimed at developing domestic scientific research, successfully integrating the results of research projects into secondary education and strengthening the relationship between universities and schools. He also emphasised the need to involve students in scientific classes and stimulate their activity; assured that optimal conditions are created for young scientists to develop their scientific potential, prepare high-quality research and effective projects, and emphasised that the university will continue to provide maximum support for their activities in the future.


The meeting discussed key issues aimed at supporting young scientists and developing scientific research at the university, the role of young scientists in science, scientific research, obstacles encountered in research and ways to solve them. The key issues such as activation of the Council of Young Researchers, reducing the workload of teachers engaged in science, equipping laboratories with modern technologies, improving the qualification of scientists, providing scientific research with advanced technologies, access to platforms for professional development of young scientists, improving the level of English proficiency of master`s and doctoral students, publication of scientific articles, increasing the number and quality of scientific projects, exchange of experience with foreign and domestic scientific and research institutes, exchange of experience with foreign and domestic research centres, etc. were touched upon.


The meeting was effective, opinions were exchanged. The ideas and recommendations expressed at the meeting will be used as a basis for developing a strategy for further development of the scientific sphere of Abai University. The presented proposals will not only strengthen the scientific capabilities of the university, but will also contribute to the development of the scientific sphere of Abai University.









