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Merkibayev Tulegen Assylbekovich
Merkibayev Tulegen Assylbekovich
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY He was born on May 7, 1981 in Zhambyl region. Graduated from secondary school in Asa village of Zhambyl region (1998), University (2004). 2004-2008 - a teacher of M. H. Dulati Taraz State University, 2011-2013. - Studied at the Maste`s degree of KazNPU. Abaya. 2013-2016 - Studied for a doctorate at KazNPU. Abai. Since 2016, he has been working at KazNPU named after Abai.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Bachelor`s degree: English
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY He has published more than 15 articles in the field of linguistics, including: 1 article from the international list of databases SCOPUS («Oppositions in the conceptual and linguistic category of time »// Opcion 117-148 pp. Maracaibo city. Año 34, N° 85-2, 2018
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Teaching aids, including: - «Lectures on modern methods of foreign language teaching. Educational manual, Almaty, 2015; - "A workshop on the phonetics of the English language. Educational and methodical manual." Almaty, 2018;
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