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Public Lecture by the director of the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in RK


On January 29, 2024, at the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation, a lecture was given by the director of the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kim Taewhan, for 1-3 year students studying the Korean language with the specialty "Teacher of Oriental language with knowledge of English". The topic of the lecture is "Korea: I want to know everything about this country". Our Institute of Philology, headed by director A.V.Tanzharykova, deputy director for scientific work A.A.Naimanbaev, head of the chair N.N.Konkabaeva, specially attended the lecture of the director of the center and awarded Mr. Kim a letter of gratitude and memorable gifts from the university.


It is noteworthy that Kim Tae Hwan arrived in Almaty for the first time in 2021. Then at Abai KazNPU opened a Korean language department. Therefore, we can say that from the first days of the opening of the Korean branch, Kim Tae Hwan took an active part in its formation and provided active support in equipping the Korean office not only with technology, but also with educational materials, and also contributed to the sending of a volunteer teacher, a native speaker for Abai KazNPU. These three years went by quickly. And in February 2024, his three-year term of office is coming to an end, and he also connected the completion of his work in Kazakhstan with our university and gave a special lecture for our students.


At a public lecture, Director Kim spoke not only about the opportunities to study in Korea, but also about the entire Korean Peninsula as a whole. The topic of the lecture covered such issues as: geography, economics, demography, infrastructure, and even what Korean schoolchildren study about Kazakhstan. The question about our republic was even asked about the UNT, which Korean schoolchildren take for admission to universities. The lecture also raised the issue of the toponomic name of the sea that washes the Korean Peninsula from the East.


Despite the fact that the presentation lasted an hour, this time flew by unnoticed, and at the end of the lecture, the director was waiting for a "forest of hands" from students who wanted to ask questions. The very first of them were given commemorative gifts from the Korea Centre by Kim Tae Hwan.

Here are just some student reviews of the lecture:

- Thanks to the director of the Korean center for such a very useful lecture. From today`s lecture I learned a lot about Korea. The motivation to go to study at a Korean university has increased. I hope we can all meet in Korea in the future.

- The lecture was very interesting and informative. I learned a lot about the history and geography of Korea. At some moments I even understood, without a translator, what the director was saying, which undoubtedly made me happy.

- The lecture was conducted well, and the prepared information, which was also accompanied by pictures and videos, only confirms how determined they were to introduce us to the history of Korea. It was very atmospheric and pleasant to realize that in some places they could understand what the director was saying without an interpreter.

- The lecture was entertaining and very useful. The variety of information gave me the opportunity to learn new things about Korea. I would like to thank Mr. Kim Tae Hwan for his time dedicated to us, for his contribution to education and for such bright opportunities. I hope our paths will cross again in the future!



