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A master class by an Abai University professor at MSU

On March 21, 2024, Professor Marfuga of the Abai Absatov Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a master class on the topic "Digital resources in education: implementation experience" at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

During the meeting, the didactic potential of digital educational resources was revealed: online boards Padlet, Miro, jamboard; resources for evaluating students` educational achievements and conducting diagnostic techniques: Online test Pad, Quizizz, Google.Forms, , Simpoll; resources for developing interactive tasks and exercises: , learning apps, online platforms for making presentations: Canva, Prezi, banse.

Colleagues and students from Kokand State Pedagogical University (Uzbekistan), Abai KazNPU joined the master class both offline and online, as well as graduate students and MSU students.

Acting Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Tatyana Toreeva, during the meeting, stressed the special value of this seminar by the fact that Professor M. Absatova is a graduate trainee of this faculty (2022) and this feedback shows the fundamentality, strength, timeliness and effectiveness of cooperation between the best practices of universities in Kazakhstan and Russia, and also expressed a letter of thanks from the university.

The meeting ended in a question-and-answer format and discussed further ways to improve cooperation and develop friendly relations between universities.








