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World Water Day (World Day for Water)


On the eve of the "World Water Day" on March 20, 2024, in the environmental areas of the Meirim club, with the assistance of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, under the leadership of Associate Professor Shirinbaeva Gulbakhira, volunteer students Ergesheva Alsu, Koshanai Merey, Ziyabek Tansholpan, Duzbayeva Nurayim, Mukan Zhamila, Mukhametrahim Eldan, Kalmaganbetov Aray, Nurbakytkyzy Janel, Rakhadova Akbota, Abdullayeva Amina held an environmental hour on the theme "Water cycle: yesterday, today, tomorrow".


The relevance of the topic of the environmental lesson is revealed based on the experience of the project "Environmental Clubs", organized by the club "Meirim", the project was implemented in schools in Almaty. The conditions of the water cycle and the level of pollution of the planet`s water resources in the past, now and in the future were considered in the theoretical part of the event on the topic of the Environmental Clubs curriculum: water resources.


The practical part of the hour was organized in a specially created green circle "Question and Answer" according to the methods of conducting game classes set out in the instructions of the Environmental Clubs project. The information part of the event brought together the entire teaching staff and the student youth with a blitz survey "Do you know how much water you spend every day?", "Why do you need to conserve water?". In conclusion, based on the key issues identified during the event, recommendations were made on the need to intensify environmental volunteer activities of students.


The event allowed the volunteers to draw objective conclusions, to consider in the future the environmental aspects of nonviolence over the planet as a whole.


The Meirim Club would like to thank everyone for their active participation in the relevant topic of the survey, aimed at the spiritual growth of mankind, acute problems for all, and responsible consumption of water resources.

May your active compassion always be realized in charity and charity.










