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Training seminar on the 3R concept

April 8, 2024, a training seminar for students was held in the Ayala Eco-Club of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, together with the UNESCO Department for Pedagogical Training of Teachers of Abai KazNPU. The purpose of the event was to familiarize with the concept of 3R and to teach methods of its implementation.

1. Reduce: Participants studied methods to reduce resource consumption and waste production, discussed strategies to minimize the use of materials and energy.

2. Reuse: The principles of reuse of materials and goods were considered, examples of waste recycling programs were given.

3. Recycle: Methods of waste recycling and creation of environmentally sustainable waste management systems were discussed.

The participants gained a deep understanding of the 3R concept and practical skills for its implementation in business and everyday life. The training seminar contributed to raising awareness of modern environmental problems and the possibilities of solving them through the application of the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling.



