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An assembly lecture by Doctor of Philology, Professor S.D.Abisheva


Within the framework of the Decade of Science - 2024, an assembly lecture was held by the Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor S.D. Abisheva on the topic "Lyrics as a kind of literature" for the 3rd year of the specialty 6B01702 - Russian language and Literature. The explanation of the complex theoretical material was based on the material of the poetry of A.S. Pushkin, who turns 225 years old this year. Interactive conversation with students, discussion of the meaning of the poems demonstrated a high level of presentation of theoretical information and examples to it. Watching a video on the topic of the lecture created a warm atmosphere of immersion in the world of poetry by A.S. Pushkin. The lecturer drew attention to the need to take into account the biographical aspect when analyzing a lyrical work. The teachers of the department who attended S.D. Abisheva`s lecture noted that the professor demonstrated academicism, professionalism and pedagogical skills, and the students during the lecture showed understanding and interest in such an important university discipline as literary theory.









