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"Toward a bright future with a fair society": republican round table


On April 10, 2024, on the occasion of the "Decade of Science - 2024" week, a republican round table "Toward a bright future with a just society" was held under the organization of the Department of Political Science and Socio-philosophical Subjects of AbayKazUPU. The round table was opened by the head of the department of political science and socio-philosophical subjects, doctor of political science, professor Zhomart Simtikov.


Also, deputy director of the institute for scientific issues, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Mukhtar Muratkazin made a report. Nazarbekova Asel Kozakhmetovna, the head of the representative office of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies in Almaty, took part in the round table and spoke in depth about the issues of change of consciousness in the society. Senior lecturer of Al-Farabi KazNU, PhD Adilbek Ermekbayuly made a report and shared his analytical reports and political processes taking place in the country.


Students and professors of the institute participated in the event, asked questions about the issues they were interested in and received appropriate answers.





