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Journey to the East and West


On April 10, 2024 within the «Decade of Science-2024» Abai KazNPU held a cross-cultural event «Journey to the East and West», organized by the Institute of Philology, the Chair of Eastern Philology and Translation.


The event was attended by students of specialties «6B01709 - Teacher of Eastern language with knowledge of English», «6B01718-Teacher of Eastern and English languages», «6B02302- Translation Studies» and «6B01703-Foreign language: two foreign languages».


 The gala evening was opened by the exhibition of souvenirs, products and crafts of the peoples of the countries of East and West,  in order to acquaint the guests with the traditions and folk art of these countries. Special attention was paid to the scientific works, textbooks and glossaries in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Uighur, English, German and French languages studied at our university. The event continued with a concert program, which was opened with welcoming words by the head of the Chair of Eastern Philology and Translation N.N.Konkabaeva. Further, teachers from the school, present at the meeting, as well as teachers A.S.Zhumabayeva, E.V.Burmistrova and others, Head of the ChairN.N.Konkabaeva, who took an active part in the organization of the evening, was solemnly presented letters of thanks and gifts on behalf of the rector of our university. 


 Honored guests of the festival were pupils of the school-gymnasium 153 with teacher of Russian language and literature Zhannatbuvi Sabitova, career counselor Assel Askarbek, teacher of biology of the private school for girls «AiSaf» Asel Ryskeldievna Mamyr. Beautiful melodies, rhythmic dances, melodic songs of peoples of East and West became a real journey to these countries. At the conclusion of the concert, N.N.Konkabaeva, the chair`s head, reiterated the significance of the event, thanked all the guests for their participation, and distributed letters of gratitude to the students who were involved.







