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Republican on-line teleconference «Methodological landing: professional support for future teachers»

The department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S.Kirabayev of the Institute of philology and multilingual education of Abai KazNPU holds the republican teleconference «Methodological landing: professional support for future teachers» from February 17 to 22, 2021.

The teleconference starts on February 17 at 11.00. Experienced pedagogical specialists, scientists, methodologists, teachers, teachers from all regions of the republic are invited to the teleconference. The purpose of the Republican on-line teleconference is to get acquainted with the results of scientific and methodological research, exchange experiences of employees of the National Academy of Education named after the I.Altynsarin, branches of NCСE «Orleu» JSC, university teachers, school teachers and focus on improving the skills of future teachers and young professionals.

Date: February 17, 2021, beginning at 10:00.


Broadcast format: on-line, ZOOM platform.


Language of the republican on-line teleconference: kazakh, russian.