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Master`s degree student-translator - prize-winner of the International scientific-practical conference


On April 16, 2024, IV International scientific and practical conference «Youth and Science: Present and Future» was organized and held at the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University.


Within the framework of the conference, master`s degree students of the specialty "Translation Studies" of our university - Aisulu Abdukarimova, Pavel Semenov, Meruert Asanova and Aru Karelova - made presentations on various aspects of translation in the section "Kazakh Philology and World Languages".


According to the results, the master`s degree student Aru Karelova (scientific supervisor - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor A.K.Zhumabekova) took the 3rd place and was awarded with a diploma. Congratulations on this achievement!


