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11.02.2021 The Scientific and Practical center «Latyn holds an online round table on the topic ««Writing reform: a new alphabet based on Latin graphics and its application»
The moderator of the round table is the Director of the scientific-practical center «Latin» at Abai KazNPU, corresponding member of NAS RK, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Orazbayeva Fauzia Shamsievna. During the discussion, the director of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov Anar Fazylzhanova, Professor Alimkhan Zhunusbek, Professor Ayman Aldasheva and Doctor of Philology Kuralai Kuderinova will make presentations.
The event will be attended by university teachers, school teachers, trainers of the Center of NCCE «Orleu», teachers, undergraduates and phD students.
The identifier of the round table: 782 570 9441
Access code: 70QQvQ
Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7825709441?pwd=YUVGUGZmTEl4OWFjVncxaEFPeCtrZz09 (click on the link)