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University-wide competition "My contribution to national education"


On April 25, 2024, the Department of Pedagogy of Abay KazNPU, together with the "Ulttyk Tarbie" center, held a university-wide competition "My contribution to national education" for 1st year students of pedagogical specialties.


Vice-Rector for Social Development Maksat Zhakauov delivered a welcoming speech to the participants, who emphasized the importance of national identity for preserving and passing on the national code to the next generation.


The competition was attended by 6 teams, winners of the qualifying round, which was held previously at each institute.


The competition consisted of several stages, each of which included tasks that updated the national values, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.

The interactive game with the audience, the winners of which were awarded prizes, and the musical performances of students of the Institute of Culture and Sports aroused great interest.


The competitors were evaluated by a competent jury, chaired by Candidate of Philological Sciences, head of the department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan G. Shaharman, members of the jury were Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University R. Karsybaeva, public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Abai" University" B. Sharakhymbay, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences professor, deputy director of the department for academic affairs T. Auelgazina, head of the department of Pedagogy Sh. Kolumbaeva.


According to the results of the competition we received:

1st place - team "Shanyraq" IMPI

2nd place - team "Elimai" IPiP

3rd place - team "Shanyrak" ZhGI



Named Y. Altynsarina team "Zhas Tulpar" IIiP

Named after M. Zhumabaev team "Borili Bayrak" IFKS

Named after U. Zhanibekov, team "Amanat" IF


The winners were awarded diplomas and cash prizes, team leaders received letters of gratitude, and all participants were given certificates.





