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The International Scientific and theoretical Conference "Problems of Poetics and Poetry X"

From May 23 to May 25, 2024, within the framework of the Abai KazNPU project "History in faces and Destinies: outstanding philologists of Abai University", an international scientific and theoretical conference "Problems of Poetics and Poetry X" was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Great Patriotic War veteran, writer, scientist, teacher Adibayev Khasen Adibayevich. The conference was organized by the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


Co-organizer: Pomeranian University of Slupsk (Poland)


Conference partners and supporters:


-Institute of Linguistics named after. A.Baitursynuly;

- A.S. Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language;

- Representative office of Ruscollaboration in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty).


Two international round tables were held within the framework of the conference: dedicated to Gali Begaliev and the 225th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin.


The conference was attended by 166 scientists from 10 countries: far abroad - Poland; USA, Great Britain, Italy, Latvia, near abroad - Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan and 8 cities of Kazakhstan.


The conference provided a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge and new research approaches in the field of topical problems of linguistics and literary studies, and also contributed to the strengthening of scientific ties between researchers from different countries.





