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Kalkayeva Nesibeli Bakitovna
Kalkayeva Nesibeli Bakitovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Born and graduated from school in the Aktobe region. She graduated from a higher educational institution, received a master`s degree, candidate of sciences in Almaty. She worked from 1998-2008 Kazakh University of Humanities and Law, since 2008 she has been working at KazNPU named after Abay. I have more than 100 published scientific papers. I combine scientific and teaching activities. I have over 100 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Criminology, Bar, Penal Enforcement Law In the magistracy: Research Methodology, Topical Problems of Criminal Law, Criminal Law and Criminological Problems of Combating Crime against the Person.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY- Has over 100 publications, including 3 monographs (Конституционные основы осуществления судебного контроля: концепция и правовое регулирование. -Алматы: КазНПУим. Абая, 2014. -160 с.; Шариғат бойынша қылмыс пен жаза. - Алматы, 2017. - 236 б.; Согласительное производство в уголовном процессе: методологические и прикладные аспекты в контексте новых приоритетов правовой политики Республики Казахстан в условиях конституционной реформы 2017 года. - Алматы, 2019. -151 с.). Four articles published in impact-factor journals (Applying Information Technologies for Increasing the Efficiency of Youth Economic Education// Actual Problems of Economics - 2013. - Vol.5 (143). - P.268-274. Impact Factor_2011: 0,039 (Journal Citation Reuters, Thomson Reuters) и SJR_2011:0,025 (Scopus); Opportunities of higher school in students leadership development// Mediterranean Journal of Social Science . -2015. -V.6. -Iss.3. -P.187-192 (Scopus); Evolution of Labor Law in Kazakhstan: Overview and Commentary on Regulatory Objectives and Development// Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics Vol 9 No 8 (2018): JARLE Volume IX Issue 8(38) Winter 2018 - Р:2664-2674 (Scopus);Corruption in Russian Law Enforcement// Communist and Post-Communist Studies Volume 53, Issue 1 March 2020; (2020) 53 (1): 117-134 (Scopus). )
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық процесі: жалпы бөлім (схемада). Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. - Алматы, 2018. -182 б.; Уголовный процесс Республики Казахстан: общая часть (в схемах). Учебно-методическая пособие. - Алматы, 2018. -183 б. Электрондық оқулық. Криминология кестелер альбомы мен анықтамалары (мультимедиялық оқу-көрнекілік құралы). - Алматы, 2019.
AWARDS In 2018, she was awarded the jubilee medal "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay" for her contribution to the development of the university.
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