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Igisinov Talgat Kazybaevich
Igisinov Talgat Kazybaevich
PhD: Pedagogical Science, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (2009). LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/talgat-igissinov-512b96123/
Since 1994, Talgat has developed a blend of secondary and higher education teaching skills and twenty years of educational business management experience from working for organizations such as School-Gymnasium №86, School №126, State Enterprise "Palace of Schoolchildren of Almaty" (a center for youth focusing on sport and creative activities), State Enterprise Gylym Ordasy (a company specializing in commercial potential in the field of science and education) as well as the Satpaev Kazakh National Technical University. He has deployed this knowledge with his involvement at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (KazNPU). His career has focused on commercialization of innovation and national business development in the education and energy sectors. At GylymOrdasy, he won a grant from the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MES) for the development of a New Cam Screw Press. In his role as the C.E.O. of Palace of Schoolchildren of Almaty he has managed complex projects with various partners. Currently, he is coordinator of Startup Bolashak Menin Armanym, a national competition for development of new business projects in Almaty. This includes being part of a "change management" team responsible for cascading the new global corporate strategy down into regional plans and targets.
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