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Latin alphabet textbooks will be presented

On April 30, 2021, at 13.30, the ZOOM platform will host a presentation of books dedicated to teaching the scientific and methodological foundations of mastering the Latin alphabet «Textbook-the Path to Knowledge», organized by the Tiltumar association at the Latyn Scientific and Practical Center.

During the event, the head of the Department of Language Culture of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov Amirzhanova Nazira, Associate Professor of the Kazakh British University Dauletbekova Zhanat, Associate Professors Rakhmetova Raigul, Rauandina Aitzhamal will present research papers, published under the grant project «Methods of mastering the national alphabet based on Latin graphics».


The presentation will be attended by school teachers, representatives of institutes of education improvement, university teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students.


ID: 893 2023 2654


Access code: 054212

