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Kudaibergenova Zhanar Adilkhanovna


Kudaibergenova Zhanar Adilkhanovna was born in Almaty.  In 1991 he graduated with honors from the Historical Faculty of KazNPU.Abai. He studied at the postgraduate and doctoral studies of the MBA.Abai. In 1999 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. In 2010, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor (PhD) in the specialty "History". From 2010 to 2012. - The award of the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences of the KKSON RK and the successful defense of the dissertation.

In 2013, she took advanced training courses for university teachers in English in Norwich (Great Britain).                                                                                 

2017 - study at the Leaders of Learning course (Harvard University (USA) (online)

Marital status-married, has two children.



Educational Institut


Completion date

KazGPU named after.Abai

teacher of history, social studies and owls.rights




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of the certificate issue

Candidate of Historical Sciences

History of Kazakhstan


Doctor of Historical Sciences

History of Kazakhstan




Name of the academic title

Date of assignment




Source studies of the history of Kazakhstan, Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan, Ethnology, Historical urbanism.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES. Research topics: ethnopolitical and demographic processes in Kazakhstan (XIX-early XX centuries), migration policy, urban development in pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan, sources on the history of Kazakhstan

The total number of publications is over 50, the most significant of them are:

- Migration processes in Kazakhstan: results and consequences (the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries). /Monograph. - Almaty: Ulagat Publishing House, - 2016. - 272 p. - National-linguistic construction in Kazakhstan (Historical aspect).Study guide. - Almaty, 2003. - 98 p. - Sources on the history of Kazakhstan (XV-XVII centuries). Textbook. -Almaty, 2008. - 63s. - On the formation of entrepreneurship in the industry of Kazakhstan in the late XIX - early XX centuries.// Bulletin of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia. The History of Russia series. - 2007. -No. 1. - pp. 112-118. - The influence of the resettlement policy of tsarism on the change of land relations in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The series is historical. - 2008. -№ 2(49). - Pp.106-109. - Christian heritage in the culture of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. /NAMSCA Bulletin 1, 2019. Germany. - P. 75-80. - Foreign immigration to the Russian Empire in the XVIII - early XX centuries / Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science without Borders". March 30 - April 7, 2020. Sheffield (Great Britain). LLC "Science and Education".2020. - pp.26-32.



2013 - Course for Pedagogical University teachers from Kazakhstan /Courses for teachers of pedagogical universities from Kazakhstan (language of instruction - English)

2016 The training program for trainers under the Program of additional professional education from among the teaching staff of universities, developed on the basis of level-level programs for advanced training of teaching staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 232 academies.hour`s.    -Astana, "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" OA "NIS".

2017 - Course GSE2x - Leaders of Learning (online)|. Harvard University(USA)

2018 - advanced training courses in English through the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The volume is 200 h. Almaty.

2019 - Advanced training courses according to the program of the International Institute of Professional Development of a teacher "Innovative educational technologies in the professional activity of a teacher".

2020 - advanced training courses at the online summer school "Digital Teacher".


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