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23.06.2021 Webinar «Publishing articles in international journals. Best practices and Recommendations»
It`s happening! Finally, we will learn the secrets and methods of publishing in Web of Science! On June 28, 2021, at 11:00, Abai KazNPU will hold a webinar on «Publishing articles in international journals. Best Practices and Recommendations».
It is important that the speaker of the webinar will be Inesh Kenzhina- the author of publications in the journals of the first and second quartile, her H-index is 13, and she is the official representative of Clarivate in the countries of the Central Asian region, PhD, international expert in scientometrics.
Inesh Kenzhina is a prominent specialist in the field of nuclear energy, in the field of construction materials of nuclear and thermonuclear reactors. Inesh Kenzhina has over 50 publications in the Web of Science Core Collection database. Connect to the Zoom conference https://zoom.us/j/99390156432?pwd=MFh3cVpYU1pkRUY1UzBndUE5UWxNZz09
Conference ID: 993 9015 6432
Access code: 928061