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"Modern problems of development of pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan"


On December 8, 2017, the University held an enlarged meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Training and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the group of specialties "Education" with the participation of Askhat Aimagambetov, Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The purpose of this meeting is to determine the actual tasks of the development of the pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by 7 rectors and 54 representatives of universities that are members of the UMO RUMS for the group of specialties "Education", representatives of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, heads of 9 regional (city) departments of education, directors of secondary schools in Almaty.

During the meeting, the problems of training teachers in accordance with the updated content of secondary education, the issues of improving the educational programs of pedagogical specialties for inclusive education, as well as the recommendations of textbooks and teaching aids to the appropriation of the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov addressed the participants of the meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Training and Methodological Council. In his speech, he noted: "In connection with the transition to the updated content of general secondary education, it is planned to consider the problems and prospects for the development of teacher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the course of implementing the program, the requirements for the training of teaching staff are changed, changes are introduced in educational programs and curricula of higher education institutions, as well as in the system of criterial evaluation of students` knowledge. "

In his speech, rector Takir Balykbayev put forward a number of proposals and recommendations from KazNPU them. Abay. In particular, he suggested revising the content of educational programs in the context of the updated content of secondary education under the auspices of UMO RUMS; Include in the curricula of the course "Innovative technologies and methods of organizing the learning process in school (under the NIS program)"; on the basis of NIS, train teachers and trainers on innovative methods of teaching and learning; on the basis of KazNPU them. Abay together with "Arrow" and NIS organize training courses; choose the best scientific journals as basic publications for specialties of the "Education" group, increase their status and rating.

The speakers at the meeting were the rector of the Taraz State Pedagogical University Dariya Kozhamzharova, the chairman of the board of the non-profit joint-stock company Holding Kusiphor Nurgali Arshabekov, the managing director of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Olga Mojaeva, the president of the I. Altynsarin National Academy of Education Zhanbol Zhilbaev, Nazarbayev Intellectual schools »of the physical and mathematical direction of Almaty Sayagul Smagulova, director of the Kazakh-Russian school-gymnasium № 5 4 behalf of I.V. Panfilov of Almaty Gulnara Karamendinova, Director of the Department of Preschool and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova, Director of the Resource Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan and Preventive Suicidology of KazNPU them. Abay Zulfiya Movkubaeva, director of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Education Galiya Abaeva.

The meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council was highly productive. Based on its results, a resolution was adopted.













Department of Public Relations