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   Главная / Nurbayeva Dylara Muratovna

Nurbayeva Dylara Muratovna



I was born in the town of Rudny in Kostanay region. After graduating from secondary school No. 4 with a mathematical bias, studied at the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University and then at the master`s degree program of AbaiKazNPU.

After completing my master`s degree, I worked at the Department of Mathematical analysis, algebra and geometry. In 2014, I entered the PhD program in the specialty 6D010900-Mathematics of AbaiKazNPU, and in 2018, I defended my doctoral dissertation "Specific methodological characteristics of teaching the course of algebra at school and pedagogical university ", submitted for the doctoral degree (PhD) on specialty6D010900 - Mathematics.

In September 2018, in 6D010900 - Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degreeis conferred on me.

Since September 1, 2017 and up to today - senior lecturer of the Department of Methods of teaching mathematics, physics and computer science, Institute of mathematics, physics and computer science (KazNPU named After Abai`s).

I combine research and teaching activities.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university



Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university



Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

6D010900 - Mathematics



TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate studies: Workshop on solving mathematical problems; Modern problems of mathematical education in schools and universities; Profile and level differentiation of teaching mathematics; Workshop on methods of teaching mathematics - teaching in two languages

In the magistracy: Methods for solving applied problems on extremes in mathematics.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - Works on problems of teaching mathematics in schools and pedagogical universities. Hasmorethan 20 publications (К вопросу о развитии познавательной самостоятельности студентов-математиков в педагогическом вузе//Актуальные проблемы преподавания математики в школе и педагогическом вузе. Issue 25. - Moscow, 2015. - Pp. 255-259; О некоторых вопросах обучения математике в школах и педагогических вузах Казахстана/Materials of the III International scientific conference «Актуальные проблемы обучения математике в школе и вузе в свете идей Л.С. Выготского». - Moscow, 2016. - P. 201-207; О проблеме преемственности в обучении курсу алгебры в школе и педагогическом вузе//Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya, series "Physical and mathematical Sciences" №2 (58). - Almaty, 2017. - Pp.73-76; Возможности использования компьютерной программы GeoGebra в обучении курсу алгебры в школе и педвузе/Materials Of the international scientific and practical conference «Тулегеновские чтения-2018» on the topic" Digital education-advanced knowledge and competence" within the framework of spiritual revival" - Arkalyk, 2018. - Pp. 55-60; Teaching of Omarov`s and Mealy`s automations for students of natural spesialities//Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Series "Physical and mathematical Sciences", no. 2 (66). - Almaty, 2019. - Pp. 280-285)

An article published in a journal with an impact factor:"The Turkish Vector" Influence on Teaching the Exact Disciplines in Modern Educational System of Kazakhstan: on the Example of Teaching Algebra and Mathematics//Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768. Volume 12, Number 4. - India, 2016. - рр. 3481-3491


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