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Zhazylbek Lazzat Isataikyzy
Zhazylbek Lazzat Isataikyzy
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY In Almaty, she graduated from the Kazakh secondary school No. 12 with a gold medal, KazGU. Kirov with a red diploma. Then she completed an internship at KazNPU. Abaya, graduated from graduate school. He has more than 60 published scientific papers. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Undergraduate studies: Economic theory, Economics and business, microeconomics, macroeconomics, state regulation of the economy, etc.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Currently, associate Professor L. I. Zhazylbek is continuously engaged in educational and methodological, scientific and pedagogical work. Published more than 60 scientific articles, has an impact factor and publications in foreign journals (the role of parliament in the sustainable development of the country: Agenda for Kazakhstan. Nal of Environmental Management and Tourism.-Vol 10 No 1 (2019): JEMT Volume X Issue 1(33)Spring 2019.-22-31)Rivista di StudisullaSostenibilità, (ISSN 2239-1959, ISSNe 2239-7221), 2019, 2.) Materials of the XIII international scientific and practical conference CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE-2018.Volume 14.(30 .04.2018. -07.05.2018, Poland)
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY He is the author of SCES of the RK 2010, training programmes on pedagogical specialty "Foundations of law and Economics" for bachelor and master programs, implemented on the basis of the experiment in this specialty in 2015, the author of new educational programs in this specialty, prepared in 2018-2021 G., more than 30 standard educational programs.
AWARDS For merits in training of professional personnel, she was awarded the badge "Uzdik Ustaz" (in 2013-the rector of KazNPU. Abay), certificate of Honor for active participation in educational activities and public life of the University in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011-rector of KazNPU.Abai`s). Awarded the badge "Y. ALTYNSARIN" (certificate #726 of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 20, 2018). ALGYS-Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - for contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan .Nur-Sultan city, 2017.
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