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13.09.2021 Dear Colleagues! Dear media representatives!
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University announces regarding the start of a cycle of lectures organized within the research project IRN AP08857194 «Visual anthropology and the history of images of Kazakhstan culture in XIX - XXI centuries: evolution and gaining of agency» in the context of the ideas of «Rukhani Zhangyru» with the aim of forming a tolerant, multicultural and intellectual society in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Place of broadcasting organization: Abai KazNPU, Almaty City Museum, Zoom online platform.
Link to connect: https://zoom.us/j/98604161364?pwd=TXR5amJsMzF2dzVpQ1BWOEtUNXd3QT09
Conference ID: 986 0416 1364
Access code: 150226
Historical and anthropological study of visual narratives of the historical memory of Kazakhstan`s society and popularization of the results of these studies seems to us necessary and relevant. Historical narratives produced or studied by historians in the text are no less bright and apparent in the visual sphere. The visual content reflects the synthetic nature of the forms of Kazakhstan`s culture and makes it possible for a comprehensive transdisciplinary study of their transformations. The visual immersion into the historical and anthropological context distinguishes between optical perception and a look at the meaning of cultural methods of perception and how cultural knowledge is reproduced in images.
Visual anthropology as a new direction in the liberal sciences began to take shape in the 60s and 70s. XX century, which became the era of the triumph of «the most important of the arts.» The modern world is gradually turning into a digital one: the online economy, digitalization of archives, cultural and cult practices in Internet communities. The Internet has turned the metaphor of the famous media theorist Marshall McLuhan about the modern world as a «global village», where any news instantly becomes the folklore property of the community - into reality. The "visual turn" proclaimed in this regard is a manifestation of one of the immanent constants of human culture, actualized thanks to the scientific and technological revolution.
The variety of visual representations of modern culture is attracted by scientific disciplines of a social and humanitarian profile, such as history, anthropology, folklore, sociology, philosophy and others, which are combined in the research areas of visual anthropology. Such images not only reflect reality but also create it.
Given the difficult epidemiological situation in the world caused by the spread of the coronavirus, lectures will be delivered online. Lecturers are renowned scientists - specialists in the field of history and cultural anthropology.
Program of Lecture hall