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Sametova Zhanagul
Sametova Zhanagul
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY In 2002, she entered the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Russian Language and Literature and in 2006 completed a full course in this specialty. In 2006, she entered the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute for a master`s degree in the specialty "0205-Philology" and in 2008 received the academic degree "Master of Philology" in this specialty. In 2021, he received a diploma of second higher education from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, specialty 6B01701 - Kazakh language and literature. In 2014, she entered the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University for a doctoral degree in the specialty 6D011700 - Kazakh language and literature, and in 2021 she defended her doctoral dissertation.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: «Russian language. В2»
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 2007-2012 Teacher of Kazakh and Russian languages at the school-lyceum "Turan" 2012-2014 - Researcher of the Research Institute "Formation of an intellectual nation" KazNPU named after. abaya From 2014 to the present, he has been a teacher at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Since 2017 - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY During her work on her dissertation "Artistic research and trends in modern Kazakh prose and its teaching (XXI century)", she achieved many years of research and scientific achievements. In particular, the direction of development of modern Kazakh prose, including the definition of literary trends and directions, various methods and techniques of its teaching are proposed. She developed a new program and model for teaching the most difficult theoretical problems. To date, about 40 works have been published, including textbooks, teaching aids - 4, in international scientific publications included in the Scopus database - 3, in journals recommended by the Committee for Education Quality Control - 12, in international scientific conferences - 6, domestic international articles published at conferences - 10, articles published in national and other international publications - 5.
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