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Intellectual Zoological Olympiad

In honor of the birthday of the Almaty Zoo, we are announcing an intellectual Olympiad for schoolchildren of grades 7-8.

Tasks of the Olympiad: Knowledge of the biological characteristics of animals, attentiveness and intelligence.

The period of the event: 3.11-5.11 

Duration of the Olympiad: 10:00-11:30; 14:00-15:30.

Venue : Zoo, 64 Ormanova (service entrance)

Rules of the Olympiad and registration: registration must be completed by calling +7 701 676 8585. You need to specify the full name, school, class, date and time of participation, Kazakh and Russian languages. Registration ends on 2.11.2021 at 18:00.

Have a pen, pencil and felt-tip pen with you. Be sure to wear a mask! The number of seats is limited!

Summing up: 11/8/2021 on the Instagram page @almaty.zoo

Organizers - teachers of the Biology department of Abai KazNPU: Batyrova K.I.- Associate Professor, Bekenova N.A.- Associate Professor, Shynybekova Sh.S.- senior lecturer.