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Aliyeva Moldir Ermekbaevna
Aliyeva Moldir Ermekbaevna
Short Biography In 2006, I entered the international Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasavi, majoring in Physics. In 2010, I completed my bachelor`s degree at this University. In 2010, I started working at No. 233 secondary school, which is located in Kyzylorda. In 2012, I entered the master`s program in Physics at the South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov and graduated in 2014. Then, I started working at No. 7 school-Lyceum named after K. Spatayev, which is located in the city of Shymkent. In 2015, I entered the doctoral program at the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University, majoring in Physics, and graduated in 2018. Since 2018, I have been working as a teacher at the Department of Physics. In 2019, I entered the specialized master`s program in the specialty "Teacher of a foreign language" at the Abylai Khan Kazakh University of international relations and world languages and graduated in 2020.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Electricity and magnetism Physics of the atom, atomic nucleus and solid
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL WORK 1. «РОЛЬ УЧЕБНОГО ЛАБОРАТОРНОГО ПРАКТИКУМА В ПОДГОТОВКЕ БУДУЩИХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ ФИЗИКИ». NEWS KAZAKH ABLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES series " PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES" 2(57) - Almaty. - 2020, P. 60-70. 2.«МЕЖПРЕДМЕТНЫЕ СВЯЗИ КАК ОДИН ИЗ ПРИНЦИПОВ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ». Bulletin of science and education 11(89) Part 2 - Ivanovo. - 2020, P. 65-69. 3. Some questions of interaction of electromagnetic waves the electronic subsystem of the atom. NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN series OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Almaty, 2019. P. 38-50. 4. О новых взглядах на парадигму обучения фундаментальным проблемам физики на примере частиц космического происхождения. NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN series «PHYSICS-MATHEMATICS». Almaty, 2017 №3. P. 112-119. 5. Модель волновых взаимодействий частицы и античастицы. Theses of the X International school-conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists, 16-20 october 2018, Ufa, P. 30-33.
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