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In honor of the 110th anniversary of the prominent scientist B. Beremzhanov, a meeting of «Ulagatty aulet» will take place


On November 26, 2021, Center «Uly dala tulgalary» of Abai KazNPU is holding a thematic meeting «Ulagatty aulet» («Dynasty of Intellectuals»), dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, one of the founders of domestic chemical science, a university graduate in 1932, B. Beremzhanov. Guests of the event: researcher of the Institute of High Technologies R. Beremzhanov, professors A. Seytzhanov, Zh.Shokybayev.
A book exhibition is being organized.


We invite young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students to take part in the event on the Zoom platform.

Venue: 13, Dostyk, (hall - 202), Almaty.

Time 11:00

ZOOM platform

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