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Yesenaman Saule Erzhanovna
Yesenaman Saule Erzhanovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY: year and place of birth - 16/04/1995, Zhambyl region, Taraz PLACE OF WORK: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Department of Foreign Languages (2018-present)
TEACHING DISCIPLINES: Bachelor: advanced foreign language, intercultural communication, lexicology, methods of foreign language education, criteria-based assessment technologies, linguistic and cultural studies Master`s degree: introduction to sociolinguistics, technologies in teaching foreign languages, modern methodology of foreign languages in higher education
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - number of publications: 20, research topics: CLIL, methods of teaching foreign languages Scientific project on the topic: "Research into the features of subject and language integration in the context of subject-language integrated learning (CLIL) in the cognitive-linguistic aspect" (based on the specialty "Biology") 2019-2020/scientific supervisor
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