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  Негізгі бет  Жаңалықтар

Festival of revival


On 30 March, 2018 at a concert in honor of the holiday Nauryz students of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education met once again with cadets of the Academy of Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Dr. Ph.D. Olga Zaginayko, graduate of the doctoral department of the Russian language and literature department, teaches at the Academy. She organized this meeting with the young teachers of the Russian language and literature department Malika Aymagambetova and Elmira Zhanysbekova.


The friendship of the students-philologists and cadets-border guards turns out to be creative and fruitful: work on the script of the evening, concert numbers with songs and dances, cheerful competitions - all this allows our pupils not only to relax, but also to learn to approach creatively any work and acquire organizational skills. Such abilities will be useful for future officers, and future teachers in their professional work.










Chair of Russian Language and Literature