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The management strategy of a modern university

At Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, on 10 - 11 January, within the framework of the Winter School «Professionalism and Pedagogical Excellence» a seminar was held on the theme «Management strategy of a modern university».

The aim of the seminar was acquaintance with the basics of developing the personnel strategy of a modern university, innovative approaches to the management of education and the principles of effective staff management at the scale of the university.

In a welcoming speech, the first vice-rector, Maktagali Bektemesov, stressed the significance of the two-day seminar.

Vice-rectors, directors of departments, working group for the development of the University`s Strategic Development Plan took part in the seminar.

The first part of the seminar «The Strategy of Effective Personnel Management in the Scale of the University. Professor AlmaU Akmaral Altalieva conducted innovative approaches to the management of education». The following questions were suggested to the seminar participants:
- Current trends in the management of human (s) resources / capital (HRM / K);
- «Creative class»: formation, development, motivation;
- Features of HRM / K practice: international and domestic experience;
- Motivation of the staff of the university: factors of motivation and demotivation;
- Development of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities: benchmark (the best world experience);
- Successful strategic management: innovative approaches;
- Measurement of performance indicators of strategic plans;
- Innovative tools for managing and motivating staff;
- Case for introducing an innovative approach.

The first part of the seminar was held in a fascinating manner, there was feedback from the lecturer and the audience, the team style of project development and implementation was shown.

In the second part of the seminar «Managerial innovation is the main factor of long-term superiority. The model of long-term superiority as a methodological basis of strategic management», conducted by the senior lecturer AlmaU Ozat Bayserkeyev, the following issues were considered:
- Value for the consumer;
- Key competence;
- Forecast of the market and industry;
- Strategic intent;
- Adaptive leadership;
- Horizontally-cyclical structure of the organization;
- Resource levers and business ecosystem;
- Corporate culture.

This part of the seminar also aroused great interest among the participants, as new approaches to strategic planning for the development of a modern university were presented in it.

Participants of the seminar received new, up-to-date information. This seminar united all the levels of the University departments, helped to look at the work processes, to realize the strengths and weaknesses. The knowledge and skills acquired at the seminar will contribute to the construction of an effective model of university management and the formation of human resources - highly qualified specialists, competitive in the domestic and international labor market.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates. The participants expressed their gratitude to the lecturers for the knowledge they received, which in the future will be used in their work, and also expressed their opinion on the effectiveness of such events.








Department of Public Relations