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   Главная / Yessenova Mariya Ibrashevna

Yessenova Mariya Ibrashevna



Was born in the village of Bayrkum, South Kazakhstan region. In 1965, graduated from the Gogol high school and in 1969 from the physics and mathematics Department of the Kazakh state women`s pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics (with honors). After graduation, completed an internship at the Department of mathematical analysis Of The Kirov state University.

From 1971 to 1998, worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate Professor at the mathematical departments of Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training Institute. In 1998-1999,  worked as a chief researcher at the laboratory of content and standards of higher education Of the Institute of higher education OF the Altynsarin KAO. Graduated from the graduate school under the aegis of KazPI them. In 1987, Abaya defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Features of training students of pedagogical University to form educational and cognitive skills of students (based on the material of teaching profile disciplines of the Department of mathematics of the faculty of physics and mathematics)" and received the degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences.

In 2003, was awarded the academic title of associate Professor in the specialty "Pedagogy".

In 1986-1995, worked as a Deputy Dean of the faculty of physics and mathematics, in 2004-2008 y. worked as the head of the General Department of the preparatory Department, in 2015 acting head. Department of mathematics of Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University. In 2000-2020, I worked as an associate Professor, acting Professor of mathematical departments of Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University. Since September 14, 2020, I have been working as an associate Professor of the Department Of methods of teaching mathematics, physics and computer science At the Institute of mathematics, physics and computer science of the Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University.

I combine scientific and teaching activities.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University

The Mathematician


Abay Kazakh national pedagogical university

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.01- the theory

and history pedagogy



TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate studies: mathematical analysis, Higher mathematics, Mathematics for economists, methods of teaching mathematics, practical training on solving mathematical problems, Elementary mathematics, etc. - in Kazakh and Russian.

In the magistracy: Technology of research work on the methodology of teaching mathematics.SCIENTIFIC

SCIENTIFIC AND methodological activities - research topics, number of publications. I work in the scientific direction "Improving the scientific and methodological training of future mathematics teachers". 155 publications.

Scientific article: The essence of the concept «Mathematical literacy». - Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті Хабаршысы №1(61) 2016. - Алматы: «Қыздар университеті»;     Некоторые вопросы подготовки будущих учителей математики к развитию учебных компетенций учащихся / Евразийский Союз Учёных (ЕСУ) №10 (19), 2016. «Актуальные проблемы в современной науке и пути их решения» 24 междунар. конф. 28.04.2016. Москва; Математиканы оқуға үйрену білігінің оқушылардың білім сапасын арттырудағы орны /Вестник КазНИТУ, №3, 2016; Формирование математической грамотности  учащихся.- / Znanstvena misel journal. The journal is registered and published in Slovenia. №7, 2017 (ISSN 3124-1123);     Компоненты  математической грамотности  учащихся. / Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им.Абая, серия "Физико-математические науки " №2 (58), 2017.   (ISВN 1728-7901);     To the question of forrmation of mathematical literacy of students: / В Материалах международной научно-практ. конф. «Наука, образование и производство в условиях Четвертой промышленной революции». Караганда:  КарГУ. - 2018. (ISBN 978-9965-07-785-2.);     Кәсиби-педагогикалық пәндерді оқытуда синергетиканың идеяларын пайдаланудың теориялық негіздері / V халықаралық түркі әлемі зерттеулері симпозиумы 11-13 қазан, 2018 ж. Материалдары жинағы. - Алматы: Qyzdar universiteti. (ISBN 978-601-224-964-4);     Methodical features of the formation of mathematical literacy  /Bulletin of kazakh state womens teacher training university №1(77), 2019, 85-89c. (ISBN 978-9965-07-785-2.);     К вопросу формирования  учебных компетенций учащихся основной школы  / Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №6/2,  2020, 177-182 с. (ISBN 978-601-346-007-9.); Preparing future teachers of mathematics for pedagogical activity in the conditions of the updated content of education., Digital transformation of education: Education, science, industry, Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical online conference. Kaznatzzhenpu, Almaty, Kazan 25, 2021 pp. 237-241;

10 synypta "Tuyndy zhane onyң қoldanyluy" taқyrybyna tehnologiyalyқ kartanyң mazmұnyn zhobalau. "Zhaңartylғan Bilim take mazmұny zhaғdayynda mektep foams zhoғary oқu oryndarynda math Maine Fizikal oқytudyң өzektі Maseleleri" atta halyқaralyқ ғylymi-praktikalyқ conference atyndaғy ҚazҰPU Abai, Almaty, 25-26 қarasha , 2021


Textbooks and tutorials:

Mathematics tiptіk esepter shygаru аdіstemesі - 1. Оқу құraly. - Almaty: "Kyzdar University", 2015.- 240 b. (Dauletkulova A.Ө. j.t.b. changed auth. birl.) (ISBN 978-601-224-622-3);

Algebra and the Beginnings of Analysis.OGN. Grade 10 Textbook Almaty: Mektep, 2014. - 160s. (co-authored with Abylkasymova et al.) (ISBN 978-601-07-0022-2);

Algebra jane analysis of bastamalara. KGB. 10-son Okulyk Almaty: Mektep, 2014. - 168b. (co-authored with Abylkasymova et al.) (ISBN 978-601-07-0014-7);

Algebra jane analysis of bastamalara. KGB. 11 sons Adistem. nuskau mұғalim. ushin. - Almaty: Mektep, 2015.-88 b. (Abіlkasymova A.E., Zhadraeva L.U. (ISBN 978-601-07-0388-9);

Algebra and the beginnings of analysis. FIRE. Grade 11. Method. hand-in. A guide for teachers. - Almaty: Mektep, 2015. (co-authored with Abylkasymova and Zhadrayeva L.U.) (ISBN 978-601-07-0526-5);

Mathematical taldau 1. Ok құraly. - Almaty: Lantar Trade LLP. 2018. - 165 p. (ISBN 978-601-7975-22-7).



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