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Kaskatayeva Bakhytkul



Kaskatayeva Bakhytkul was born on May 17, 1946 in Aksu village of Kostanay district of Kostanay region. In 1963 she graduated from Kostanay boarding school No. 1 named after Y.Altynsarina, in 1968-Mathematical department of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of KazGU named after S.M. Kirov. 1968-1974 worked as a mathematics teacher in Kostanay region. In 1975-2000 she worked at the ArPI as an associate professor, head of the department. From 2000 to 2012, 2014-2020 worked as an associate professor, professor of Kaznzhpu. 2011-2014 worked as an acting professor at the Institute of Magistracy and Doctoral Studies at the Abai KazNPU. Since 2020, he has been working as an acting professor at the Department of "Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science" of Abai KazNPU.

Kaskataeva B. R. In 1997 defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Preparation of future teachers for the development of mathematical abilities of students", in 2000 she received the title of associate professor. In 2009, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Formation of methodological competence of a future mathematics teacher in professional training".

Bakhytkul Rahimzhanovna became the "best teacher of the university" in 2007 and 2018.



Educational institution


Year of ending

Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now KazNU named after Al-Farabi)

Mathematician, teacher of mathematics


KazNPU named after Abai



National Academy and Education named after I. Altynsarin





Name of academic degree

Scientific area

Diploma issue date

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences




TEACHED DISCIPLINES (levels of training according to the list)

Undergraduate: Methods of teaching mathematics - in 2 languages. Mathematical analysis - in 2 languages; Functional analysis; Elementary Mathematics: Geometry; Analytical Geometry.

Master`s degree: Applied aspects of solving text problems in mathematics; Fundamentals of mathematical literacy; Modern methods of evaluating the results of teaching mathematics; Methods of solving applied problems on extremes in mathematics.



Research topics: Theory and methodology of teaching mathematics in secondary and higher schools; Formation of key competencies of future mathematics teachers.

Number of publications: one hundred and thirty scientific papers, including -7 textbooks, 6- methodological guidelines, 2- standard curricula, 3- monographs.

We will indicate the most significant:

1. Theory and methodology of teaching mathematics. Study guide. - Almaty.- 2018. -304 b.(in Kazakh).

2. Forming the research Competence of Future mathematics Teachers. Monograph- Almaty, 2019 - 139 pages

3. Formation the methodological Competence of  Future mathematics Teachers. Monograph- Almaty, 2021 - 166 pages

4. Mathematical modeling as a tool for improving students` mathematical literacy. Bulletin of Kaznpu. No. 1, 2021. 58-66 b (in co-authorship with  Kokazhaeva A, Kazybek Zh)

5. Computational informatics in the training of future informatics teachers in the context of the development of modern education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues , 13 (4), 994-1015. (2021). (in co-authorship with M. Revshenova, G. Kamalova, etc.)



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