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Awards to employees of KazNPU

In honor of the 90th anniversary of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University were awarded the best teachers and professors of the university. The Rector of the University, Professor Takir Balykbayev, opened the solemn meeting. He congratulated colleagues on the anniversary.

«This is not only the anniversary of our university, but of all Kazakhstani higher education»,- said the rector.

20 teachers and university staff were awarded the medal of the MES RK «Veteran of Labor», 32 professors - badge «Ibray Altynsarin», 25 employees - the badge of «Guilimdi damituga sіnіrguen enbegui ushin», 22-badge «Bilim beru isіnin kurmetti kizmetkerі», 16 - the diploma «Kurmet», 4 - Letter of thanks of the Minister of MES RK.

In connection with the 90th anniversary of KazNPU, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuatzhan Ualiev congratulated the team of the university on its 90th anniversary and presented awards in the field of culture and sports to university staff.

Badge «Madeniet salasynin uzdіguі» - to the director of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports, Professor Baymurat Ospanov; associate professor of this institute Yerbolat Kisymysov; Professor Mensulu Zheksenbekova. The head of the department of physical culture, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Kairat Adambekov was awarded a badge «Kurmetti sport Kyzmetkeri», associate professor of physical culture and sport Yerkin Seydakulov - «Dene shynyktyru men sportty damytudagui sіnirguen enbegui ushin».





















Department of Public Relations