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Application for recruitment to a vacant post


Name of vacant position:

Senior Expert, Risk Assessment Division, Strategy Department

Strategy Department

Main functional responsibilities of the structural unit:

─ Monitoring risk identification and assessment, analysis and control of risk management activities;

─ Provide consulting services to business units on risk identification and assessment;

─ Assessment of risks potentially threatening the achievement of strategic goals and objectives.

Main job responsibilities:

─ Conduct monitoring to identify and assess risks;

─ Identify and assess the Company`s risks;

─ Create a risk register, a risk map;

─ Maintain risk management processes in place and develop a risk culture;

─ Advise business units on effective risk management;

─ Conduct seminars and information sessions to strengthen employees` risk management competencies in order to develop the risk management culture of the Company

Travel on business trips:

There is a necessity.


Higher education (finance, economics, audit, mathematics)

Professional experience required (duration, field, other)

At least 1 (one) year.

Professional competencies:

Ability to work with documentation, process and analyse textual and statistical information, draw conclusions, work in a team, translate documents (from Russian into Kazakh, etc.), clearly and competently express his thoughts, analyse and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation, identify sources of risks, develop and implement measures to prevent / minimise risks, control risk indicators, improve business processes to eliminate possible risks

Personal competences and qualities:

Communicability, conscientiousness, proactive attitude to life, stress resistance, creativity, organisational skills, punctuality, easy learner, neatness

Knowledge of languages, including the national language (list of languages the candidate should be proficient in)

Kazakh - fluent

Russian - fluent

English would be an advantage

Computer skills:

Good command of MS Office package, GoogleDrive/Docs/Meet, ZOOM.

Number of staff required:

1 (one), instead of an employee on maternity leave

Deadline for submission of CVs:

December 7, 2022

Contact person:

Abdikhamitov Erlan Ilyasovich
