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Zhailybaeva Take Muratovna
Zhailybaeva Take Muratovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Zhailybaeva T.M. was born in 1987 Zhambyl in the region of Merke district in the village of Aspara. 2005-2009 studied at the KazNPU named after Abay with a degree in biology-psychology. From 2009 to 2011, she worked as a dispatcher at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology. In 2011-2013, she received an academic master`s degree in pedagogical sciences from the KazNPU named after Abay. In 2014 - 2015, she worked as a psychologist at the T. Ryskulov reference school.Since 2021 she has been working as a senior teacher in the educational program in "Biology" From 2017 to 2019, she worked as a methodologist of the department of organization of the educational process of the KazNPU named after Abay. From 2018 to 2021, she studied for a doctorate in the specialty 6D011300 - Biology at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of the KazNPU named after Abay. Since 2021, she has been working as a teacher in the educational program in biology at the above-mentioned institution.
DISCIPLINE TRAINING Physiology of development of schoolchildren
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Zhaparkulova N. I. physiology of Student Development: training manual / Zhaparkulova N. I. - Аlmaty : 2020. - 145 pp. 2. Ordabekov S. O. Anatomy, physiology and hygenas of age.2012. - 332 pp. 3. Toleukhanov S.T. Physics of the nervous and sensory systems, methodical manual. 2014. - 138 p. 4. Duisembin K., Aliakbarova Z. M"Age-appropriate physiology and school hygiene"Аlmaty, 2003, 3-30 pp. 5. Physiology of child development. A guide to age physiology. Edited by. Bezrukikh M.M., Farber D.A. М. // Publishing NGO "MODEK». - 2010. - 768 pp.
Materials of the international scientific and practical conference 1. Analysis of the and shrub flora of the western part of the Kyrgyz Alatau. II international scientific and practical conference (23-24 October 2019) 44-47 p., G. Almaty. 2. Useful plants of Tree and shrubby flora found in the Kyrgyz Alatau range. V International Scientific and practical conference "Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century" (10-12 december 2019) 145-148 p., Nursultan. 3. To study the flora of the Kyrgyz Alatau ridge. International scientific - practical conference "Modern trends in theacher education", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of T. Ryskulov (December 20, 2019) 115-118 pp., G.Taraz.
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